Dear Desdemona
I'm writing to you full of shame and embarrassment...
My peoples are forcing me to model ridiculous costumes. How can I convince my mamas not to take advantage of my diaper covers and dress me head to toe like a bumblebee bee? I should be a strong steed or superhero at least...
Buzzing in Shame
Dear BIS,
I, too, have witnessed the hooman desire to clothe their pets and take silly pictures. Hell, it wasn't that long ago that I was coaxed into wearing a poop emoji hat in exchange for peanut butter! (I'm not proud of what I will do for peanut butter, but I do believe in full disclosure.)
The name for the behavior you are lamenting about is Polybabydonthavia. It is often observed in hooman's that prefer dogs to children. The good news is that other than the few embarrassing pictures that it will produce, it is harmless.
My advice to you is to happily take the treats that are offered in these situations. We will all cross our paws that you will enjoy your costume more next year.
P.S. Congrats on your new family!
P.S.S. You are a superhero in my book no matter what you wear. (Hubba Hubba!)
Desdemona, I think you Rock no matter what you wear!
Girlfriend no matter what your momma and daddy put on you, YOU ROCK IT. You look awesome and display the bumble bee well. Love you Desdamona.
Desdemona, I think you Rock no matter what you wear!
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